LIVE Band Karaoke part of Sunday Show at the Thirsty Goat EVERY SUNDAY 3-6 pm

Remember the good ole fashioned country jam session?  Now YOU can be the STAR at the Thirsty Goat!

Singers and pickers would get up, and with the help of the band, perform a song. It was great fun and a chance for some really talented folks to share their talent.  Some not-so-talented folks also got a chance, for 3 minutes or so, to experience singing with the band.

We’re bringing LIVE BAND KARAOKE to the Thirsty Goat EVERY SUNDAY all summer!

Here’s how it works.

Come in on a Sunday and look over our list of tunes.  Pick one or more and the band will help you find your key.  Then, get into the Que and sing away!  We’ll only feature a limited number of guests each set – probably no more than 10 each Sunday.  If you want to get up quicker – that’s easy. Just bring a fan club!  The more in your group, the quicker you sing.  AND your guests get a ticket for a drink deal SO they win too!

If you don’t find a song you like on the list, no problem!  Just let the band know…and come back NEXT Sunday – we’ll be set with YOUR SONG!  Again….the order depends on your fan club so be sure to tell your friends to come with you!  We want you to have your friends along to cheer you on!

Questions….call or text Ken at 608-695-0449

Check out the food and other entertainment at the Thirsty Goat Brew here!