NEW YEAR’S EVE DANCE at the ELKS! Bring in 2018 with us!


We have 10 spots left!!

For the first 40 people who get their tickets….join Marcy and the Highlights at the beautiful Lakefront Room at the Elks Club, Jennifer Street, Madison!

Just $15.00 gives you the best dance tunes, a beautiful wood dance floor, seating at a reserved band table, full cash bar, desserts at 11:00 pm, hats, horns and Champagne at the stoke of midnight!  Buy your tickets today by sending your check to Marcy Heim, 2679 Fahey Glen, Madison.  Include your name, email address (for event details), phone number, and address to mail your tickets.

These spots will go FAST!  Order your tickets today!Highlights NYE Elks 2017


Champaign 2015